
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Subhanallah! - Kesian Kucing lumpuh akibat keganasan perang kejahatan basyar assad di Syria (2 GAMBAR)

TAOTAUAJER - Kesian bukan kalau kita lihat gambar kucing di bawah ini , terngesot kucing ini berjalan sadis sungguh. Kucing ni pun jadi mangsa keganasan perang kejahatan basyar assad di syria.

Kucing ini telah cedera apabila serpihan mortar terkena pada belakang dan mengakibatkan kucing menjadi lumpuh.

Lagi gambar dan penjelasan di bawah ini...

More than 100 animal rights organizations and other humanitarian organizations from all around the world contacted us regarding this cat. In fact, some of them even requested that we send them these cats so they can provide them so they can provide the cats with care and protection. 

What is shocking is this sudden international effort for the sake of a cat or several cats that were killed as a result of the shelling by Assad thugs, while at the same time not one country was moved to protect the Syrian people who are getting killed on daily basis. They pursued the injured cat's case, but did not move a finger regarding the 24,000 Syrian martyrs. The life of this cat is not irrelevant to us, quite the contrary...but it is not more valuable than Syrian blood.

via Palestinians in syrian situation

TAOTAUAJER : Subhanallah sehingga haiwan juga menjadi mangsa keadaan kekejaman peperangan kejahatan basyar assad di syria. Meskipun ia sekadar haiwan tetapi tidak patut di perlakukan dengan kekejaman.
